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Today is Valentine's Day, and that means: today is about love and gratitude. What does it even mean to be grateful?

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Creating products from scratch is not easy. Apart from the necessity for a clear vision, there are many smaller decisions and possibilities to compare and consider. Having an efficient framework to handle that volume of information is extremely important, and User Stories are one of the best such tools.

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We are happy to announce that the Founder of Cubitoo Paweł Komarnicki had a guest appearance in The Vancouver Accounting Experience.

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You need to be a killer to be successful. At least once in your life you need to murder, destroy, and completely annihilate them: your inner critic.

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You started working on something new. It felt amazing for a while, there was progress. And then it hits: you have made so much, but there's still at least as much to do!

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Discussing difficult topics is easier when one sticks to facts, ideas, and provable findings. It's objective and truth-driven. Straightforward.

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Checking their phones. Looking out of the window. Scribbling in their notepads. These are the signs that the meeting participants are disengaged and bored. Let's see how it can be prevented and remedied.

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Have you ever had a great meeting that just couldn't reach a consensus? No final decision, no compromise? Here's how to get it fixed:

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Are you 100% done? You shouldn’t be! When you consider yourself complete and finished, you close yourself to the magic of lifelong learning.

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Being creative is hard, the doubt, the criticism. Putting things out there, getting recognition. Or not. Trying not to take it personal. It’s hard work.

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